I didn’t know we had one of these

One of the things that we took out of our spec when we were doing some inevitable value engineering was our rainwater harvesting tank. I am glad that, after doing some research into how important they are, we decided to put ours back in.

I knew that we had a harvesting tank, although I never saw more than the top of it sticking out of the ground so had no idea what it looked like. Nor, until this week, did I know that we also had something else – an attenuation tank somewhere under the (new and still very exciting) lawn. Our rainwater harvesting tank is fed from two big gutters coming down from the roof. As the rain hammered down I wondered where the water would go once the harvester is full. Now I know that it flows into an attenuation tank from where it gradually dissipates into the ground. This means we should avoid having impromptu streams across the garden.

And now I also know what the harvesting tank looks like as I found a photo in the site folder. It is huge! From Harlequin, it has a capacity of 1500 litres.

Here it is being installed. The first photo shows the tank itself, behind the digger.

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